Friday, May 1, 2009

Children Week

1 March, Children Week comes and yet another achievement madness. After the Noblegarden event this should be easy as it's only got 6 quest or achievements. Most of them are really easy to do and remember to call out your orphan while you doing the quests. We've got another sub -achievement needed for What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been (and thus the 310% speed Violet Proto-Drake).

First thing you need to do is go to either Shattrah City or Ogrimmar. Go get your quests at the orphan house. Then use the whistle and do the quests/task that the orphan asked.

Home Alone
The most simple task to do. Just summon your orphan and use your hearthstone. Done.

Daily Chores
I don't know if it's bugged or not but when I did it, all I did was complete 5 dailies quests (any dailies) in 1 day and I get the achievement.

Aw Isn't it Cute?
Just finish all the orphan quests and turn in the whistle and choose 1 of 12 reward pet.

Horde version: First quests availableAfter completing these, 2 new quests are available:And finally
Bad Example
Eat 6 of the listed sweets. This will be difficulted if you don't have the recipes for 2 of the listed sweets. Just buy in AH (very expensive) or ask a guildy to make for you. This will require a little travel and money, but not too much of either:
Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream -During Children's Week two vendors will appear in Orgrimmar and Stormwind (Alowicious Czervik and Emmithue Smails respectively) selling this. Alowicious will be found between Orgrimmar's bank and auction house.

The Red Velvet Cupcake, Dalaran Brownie, Dalaran Doughnut, and Lovely Cake Slice are all sold in Dalaran by the NPC Aimee, who is located in front of Dalaran's north bank.

The Tasty Cupcake and Delicious Chocolate Cake are both created by Cooking.
Hail to the King, Baby
Can be done in heroic or normal
Utgarde Pinnacle. Go there and kill King Ymiron which is the last boss.

Veteran Nanny
Get all 3 pets.




School of Hard Knocks
This should be the hardest of the bunch. You need to get in 4 battleground and do the task given.
  • Capture the flag in Eye of the Storm
  • Assault a flag in Arathi Basin
  • Return a fallen flag in Warsong Gulch
  • Assault a tower in Alterac Valley

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