Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Skin Flavours



Finally the peoples at BLIZZARD notices our need for a new druid skins. Having played for sooooo long, me like some milions others are so sick of seeing the same skins. Apparently there is 6 new skins that are avalaible for us to choose. I can't wait to see these in-game.

In our next major content patch, druids will find a host of new textures for two major forms, cat and bear. There will be five different designs for each of these forms for the Horde and Alliance. Night elves can choose to change their cat and bear look at any time by visiting the barber shop and changing their character's hair color, while tauren will be able to change which look they use by switching skin tones in the barber shop -- a new feature for tauren in the next major content patch. Given that there are more hair colors and skin tones than unique form looks, some colors and tones will overlap with these new textures. The hair and skin colors chosen will, in most cases, correspond with the color seen in the look of each form. Some similar colors that may share a particular cat texture will not necessarily share the same bear texture.

We'd like to share with you this new art for each form and faction in four installments. So without further ado, our first preview is for the five new textures of the tauren druid bear form. We'll also show the current form design so you can easily see the extra detail and textures of the new art. Work continues on new looks for the remaining druid forms and we hope to add them in future content patches.

Friday, May 22, 2009


2nd day and I managed to get SPOOCK to level 24, not bad for a noob shaman. From what I seen Elemental shaman is fun to play and kill mobs faster. There is almost no downtime. But althought Elemental is a powerful tree, most of it's spell is a single mob attack. That doesn't mean you can't tag 3-4 mobs at once. It just need a proper talent. But I kid you not, I can kill 3-4 mobs which are the same level as me at 1 time.

I have successfully healed WC, BFD and RFK as a Elemental. On the lower instance I had to mana pot a few time as I don't have mana sheild. This shows that being a DPS tree, Elemetal is a reliable healing tree also just make sure you bring enough mana pot.

Finding leather with +spell damage is hard unless you want to downgrade you gears to clothies which I choose not too. Best way for me was stacking Intelect and Stamina and always use 1 hand weapon + sheild.

The only lame part while leveling was the Water Totem quests line. This is the longest class chain quest in WOW and you don't have mount to get you faster to the places you need to go. Sigh.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Spoock with Pimp gears

So Today I went and see the new STAR TREK movie with my family. One thing for sure, it's not as boring as I thought it would be. From the beginning until the end the movie is entertaining and fast paced. It's is nice to see an alternate future/past from the way we know. The cast imo is well picked and spock is.....well logical.

Anyway back to WOW, seeing the movie made me wanna created a new toon...a shammy, which I never played before. I tried to named him SPOCK but couldn't because the named is already taken.

After a few hours playing him he is now level 17 going to be 18. Shaman is fun to play and not so complicated or maybe I'm just too low? I heard the fun part only begins after you reach level 40.
So here is my new troll shaman, SPOOCK.

A Modified Malev UI

Ohh and another thing, that's my new UI taken from MALEV RAID UI from WowInterface. A very clean UI and low memory usage just the way I like it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Too Tired to Play

My son after his playing time. He just sits and sleeps on his own. Hes gonna be 2 soon. Time flies so fast....

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Noob Priest

Noob Priest Itheriel

So today I created an alt priest, bought him the BOA items to get him started. Now he's proudly using Tattered Dreamist Mantle, Dignified Headmaster's Charge and Discerning Eye of the Beast. I didn't get him the PVP version because I don't planning to PVP at low levels.

I choose priest because I never played that class before and I think priest makes good healer. Maybe I'll level a shaman after this but for now this toon should be enough.

He's also Herbalist and Inscriptions. Got enough money to buy the epic mount/skill. Inscription is easy to level if you have the mats ready. On higher level this should be money making skills.

Anyway time to stop typing and start killing. :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Soloing Heroic Mana Tombs/Auchenai Crypts

Mana Tombs
What can I say this place gives me a hard time way back before it got nerfs. I never like this place, and I still don't.
The only reason I 'd do it is because of the achievement which need you to Defeat Nexus-Prince Shaffar on Heroic Difficulty. This is one of the criteria for Outland Dungeon Hero.

Anyway I've successfully cleared Heroic Mana Tomb and boy it's easier then I thought. Most of the trash can be skipped like in Heroic Sethekk Hall. There's alot of locked chest that you can open if you are a rogue. I don't really bother with the first and second boss as the really easy just remember to clear some of the trash mobs.

After you reached Nexus Prince Shaffar it's just and DPS race if you can't kill his adds off. For feral just use your primary dots on the boss and then spam swipe and maul (with glyph). He does't hit that hard and should be dead sooner then you think.

Prince No More

Auchenai Crypts
For a short dungeon (2 boss) this is the only place that I die for a few time when trying to kill the last boss. For most of the trash you can probally skipped them if you can stealth, if you can't just clear a few and they are not hard.

First boss I usually skipped as the loots are not that good for vendoring (wait almost all are). You can if you want for repair money. Nothing special about him anyway.

Skip the Cyclops

Keep moving past the skeletons room (drop an enchanting recipe) and finally you reach the last boss room. These trash will need to be killed if not you will agro them when fight the last boss.

Big numbers

For the last boss Exarch Maladaar, it's a DPS race of kill me first and fast or be killed. This boss is super easy if not for his attack thats hit me 11-12k everytime he make copies of me. At 30 or 25% he summon an Avatar of the Martyred which do Mortal strikes. Just ignore him and continue dps on boss. You should be able to pull it off.


Some of the gears that I'm only drooling and dreaming about :(.

  1. Conqueror’s Nightsong Headguard - 25 Man Thorim / Garona’s Guise - 25 Man Yogg-Saron
  2. Bronze Pendant of the Vanir - 25 man Freya Hard Mode / Mark of the Unyielding - 10 Man Kologarn
  3. Conqueror’s Nightsong Shoulderpads - 25 Man Yogg / Shoulderpads of the Monolith - Kologarn-25
  4. Drape of Icy Intent - 25 Man Hodir / Titanskin Cloak - 25 Man Freya Hard Mode
  5. Conqueror’s Nightsong Raiments - 25 Man Hodir or 58 Emblem of Conquest / Tunic of the Limber Stalker - 10 Man Freya / Valorous Nightsong Raiments - 10 Man Hodir
  6. Conqueror’s Nightsong Handgrips - 25 Man Mimiron / Gloves of the Stonereaper - 25 Man Auriaya / Valorous Nightsong Handgrips - 10 Man Mimiron / Gloves of the Blind Stalker - 28 Emblem of Conquest
  7. Death-warmed Belt - Crafted, Plans drop in Ulduar.(more belts but crafted is BiS)
  8. Conqueror’s Nightsong Legguards - 25 Man Freya / Leggings of Wavering Shadow - 39 Emblem of Conquest / Valorous Nightsong Legguards - 10 Man Freya / Leggings of the Honored - 2D Sarth / Proto-hide Leggings - 25 Man Razorscale
  9. Runed Ironhide Boots - 25 Man Iron Council / Footpads of Silence - Crafted, Plans drop in Ulduar.
  10. The Leviathan’s Coil - 25 Man Flame Leviathan / Signet of Winter - 10 Man Hodir / Cindershard Ring - 25 Man Ignis
  11. Heart of Iron - 25 Man Ignis
  12. Twisted Visage - 25 Man XT-002

Friday, May 1, 2009

Children Week

1 March, Children Week comes and yet another achievement madness. After the Noblegarden event this should be easy as it's only got 6 quest or achievements. Most of them are really easy to do and remember to call out your orphan while you doing the quests. We've got another sub -achievement needed for What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been (and thus the 310% speed Violet Proto-Drake).

First thing you need to do is go to either Shattrah City or Ogrimmar. Go get your quests at the orphan house. Then use the whistle and do the quests/task that the orphan asked.

Home Alone
The most simple task to do. Just summon your orphan and use your hearthstone. Done.

Daily Chores
I don't know if it's bugged or not but when I did it, all I did was complete 5 dailies quests (any dailies) in 1 day and I get the achievement.

Aw Isn't it Cute?
Just finish all the orphan quests and turn in the whistle and choose 1 of 12 reward pet.

Horde version: First quests availableAfter completing these, 2 new quests are available:And finally
Bad Example
Eat 6 of the listed sweets. This will be difficulted if you don't have the recipes for 2 of the listed sweets. Just buy in AH (very expensive) or ask a guildy to make for you. This will require a little travel and money, but not too much of either:
Tigule and Foror's Strawberry Ice Cream -During Children's Week two vendors will appear in Orgrimmar and Stormwind (Alowicious Czervik and Emmithue Smails respectively) selling this. Alowicious will be found between Orgrimmar's bank and auction house.

The Red Velvet Cupcake, Dalaran Brownie, Dalaran Doughnut, and Lovely Cake Slice are all sold in Dalaran by the NPC Aimee, who is located in front of Dalaran's north bank.

The Tasty Cupcake and Delicious Chocolate Cake are both created by Cooking.
Hail to the King, Baby
Can be done in heroic or normal
Utgarde Pinnacle. Go there and kill King Ymiron which is the last boss.

Veteran Nanny
Get all 3 pets.




School of Hard Knocks
This should be the hardest of the bunch. You need to get in 4 battleground and do the task given.
  • Capture the flag in Eye of the Storm
  • Assault a flag in Arathi Basin
  • Return a fallen flag in Warsong Gulch
  • Assault a tower in Alterac Valley

Tailswipe's Favourite