Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dragon Fail + Fireland

Dragon Soul


Found this video of Dragon Soul and Fireland by Bucc. Awesome effects. Thumbs Up :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

KIN - World First

Big Congratulations to Korea's new superstar guild KIN for beating the last Boss in this expansion Madness of Deathwing. Took them alot of tries on the previous fight but it took much longer for the next guild to beat this boss by STARS. Alot of people is bitching (giving opinions) but end of the day this kills is very much legit. A bit dissapointed that none of the EU/US guild manage to down this boss yet but I guess they weren't far behind on the kills.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Ten-thousand years in the past, the night elven capital city of Zin-Azshari was a magnificent, sparkling metropolis. Situated on the shores of the Well of Eternity, it was here that the aristocratic Highborne first opened a portal into the Twisting Nether and invited the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth. Under the command of the night elven queen, Azshara, they now pour their energies into the portal, preparing it for the terrifying and glorious entrance of the demon god Sargeras.

Size: 5 man Dungeon
Difficulty: ***


With the Dragon Soul retrieved from the past, the Heroes of Azeroth now prepare for the final confrontation with Deathwing. In the frozen wastes of Northrend, the towering spire of Wyrmrest Temple is under the assault of Deathwing's Twilight forces. In order to save Azeroth, Thrall must arrive safely at the temple with the Dragon Soul in hand.

Size: 5 man Dungeon
Difficulty: ****


One of an infinite number of potential outcomes, this timeway depicts the desolate future of Azeroth should Deathwing fail to be stopped. Nozdormu has identified a powerful anomaly that exists in this moment and bars access to the past - and hope of retrieving the Demon Soul. A powerful creature from out of time living alone amist time-twisted echos of the past.

Size: 5 man Dungeon
Difficulty: *****

Friday, November 25, 2011

Hand of Ragnaros

Hahaha seeing this video make me wanna log-on to my account and craft that damn mace :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Dragon Soul Encounters

With the upcoming patch 4.3, players will once again be raiding the new encounters in Dragon Soul. Here are the bosses that are waiting for them.


The most powerful elemental still under Deathwing's sway, Morchok-once a passive guardian-is now convinced that his only respite will come with Azeroth's demise. Morchok rages against the foundation of Wyrmrest Temple, Azeroth's last beacon of hope in the Hour of Twilight.

Warmaster Blackhorn

Though once vast in number, only a few dozen twilight dragons now remain. Astride these hardened survivors are the last vestiges of the Twilight's Hammer's army: the elite drake riders of Deathwing's personal escort. Led by the insidious Warmaster Blackhorn, they move with unholy purpose, driven to protect their dark master.

Warlord Zon'ozz

Countless ages ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his soldiers waged endless war against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. Millennia have passed, but the warlord still serves the chaotic might of the Old God N'Zoth. Deathwing has now unleashed this legendary faceless one to crush the defenders of Wyrmrest Temple.

Yor'sahj the Unsleeping

Since the fall of the Bastion of Twilight, Yor'sahj the Unsleeping has eagerly assisted Deathwing, providing the Destroyer with the means to release more faceless ones from their prisons deep beneath the earth. Their numbers are endless and their power is beyond reckoning, and Yor'sahj intends to reap a grim reward for his faithful service.

Friday, November 18, 2011


These are the legendary weapon that currently attainable by any player in World of Warcraft. Some of them are created and some are lucky drops from bosses in the game. These weapon from different time/expansion throughout the World of Warcraft universe. To weild these weapon is a status which are very special to players (minus 2 of them which are easy to get, just time consuming).

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros is the weapon of choice for Ragnaros the Firelord. This weapon is not dropped, but rather may be created by anyone who has obtained both the  Sulfuron Hammer and the Eye of Sulfuras. A blacksmith with a minimum skill of 300 is required to make a Sulfuron Hammer, and the Eye drops only and rarely from Ragnaros himself. The plans for the Sulfuron Hammer are obtained by turning in a  Sulfuron Ingot into Lokhtos Darkbargainer in the Grim Guzzler in Blackrock Depths.There is no reputation requirement to receive the plans.

Expansion: World of Warcraft (Vanilla)
Dungeon: Molten Core
Method: Crafted, Time Consuming, Expensive
Difficulty: ** (soloable)

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is the legendary sword once wielded by Thunderaan, Prince of Air. The prince, son of Al'Akir the Windlord, was attacked by Ragnaros the Firelord, in an attempt to heighten the already impressive power that the fire elemental held. Ragnaros succeeded; however,Thunderaan's power could not be completely taken into his form. What remained of Thunderaan was placed in a talisman of elemental binding, which was broken into two pieces. The pieces were then given to the Firelord's two lieutenants, Baron Geddon and Garr, respectively the left and right halves. These two halves are known as the [Bindings of the Windseeker].

Expansion: World of Warcraft (Vanilla)
Dungeon: Molten Core
Method: Crafted, Time Consuming, Expensive
Difficulty: ** (soloable)
Status: Archived

The Twin Blades of Azzinoth are a set of weapons wielded by the Lord of Outland, Illidan Stormrage. Azzinoth was a doom guard commander whom Illidan slew during the War of the Ancients 10,000 years ago. Illidan "looted" Azzinoth's twin warglaives and trained to use them himself. He has become exceedingly efficient with the weapons. They can be connected to each other to form a single weapon, and then split apart to form separate weapons. The Twin Blades of Azzinoth is an item set that contains 2 pieces.

Expansion: World of Warcraft-Burning Crusade
Dungeon: Black Temple
Method: Drop (RNG luck)
Difficulty: *** (soloable/duo)

Thori'dal, the Star's Fury

Expansion: World of Warcraft-Burning Crusade
Dungeon: Sunwell Plateau
Method: Drop (RNG luck)
Difficulty: *** (group/raid)

Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings

Created by the Titans themselves, Val'anyr was given to the first Earthen king, Urel Stoneheart. With it, he was to create and give life to the rest of his brethren.Val'anyr was shattered during the first war between the Earthen and the Iron Dwarves. The Weapon's remnants were believed lost in the conflict.Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings is assembled by collecting thirty Fragment of Val'anyr, then combining them into Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr, and completing the questline.

Expansion: World of Warcraft-Burning Crusade
Dungeon: Ulduar (Heroic)
Method: Crafted
Difficulty: ***** (group/raid)


Expansion: World of Warcraft-Wrath of The Lich King
Dungeon: Icecrown Citadel (Heroic)
Method: Crafted, Expensive
Difficulty: ***** (raid)

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest

Expansion: World of Warcraft-Rage of the Firelands
Dungeon: Fireland (Normal/Heroic)
Method: Crafted, Expensive
Difficulty: ***** (raid)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Remorseless Vs Heroic Chemerion.

Remorseless Vs Heroic Chogall.

Featuring TukUI (Edited by Cohesion)
Originaly Eclipse Edited but the author stop and Cohesion got the permission to continue this awesome edit.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Drakedog's Back

We'll he's back. Amazing warlock.

Drakedog 9

Drakedog 10 (Part 1)

Drakedog 10 (Part 2)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ragnaros is downed.



The race was excited as it should be....both guild were on course for FTK. But Paragon manage to get it after 500++ wipes and they also manage to get 10 man FTK also. This shows that they are the best PVE guild currently in WOW. Congratulation.


Mionelol manage to solo LICH KING, very impressive feat again..Grats

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Old Content...But

Although this is an old content, but it still an impresive kill nevertheless. Good work. Time to farm the legendary dagger :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Did You Say Thunderfury?

Emorage with his Thunderfury

Ok I finally completed my first legendary weapon Thunderfury. I got extremely lucky with the bindings (both drop in 1 run). Got 3 guildies helping me run BWL for the ingots and recipe for smelting the bar. Anyway I only spend about 4k gold to buy the mats for the weapon. Got a good bargain for 5 bars at 700g per which is cheap considering that 1 ingot is around 800g per.

Now it's time to make the Mace. Well if I can get the first part crafted first.

Monday, July 4, 2011


BLIZZARD is being sneaky with the new Dragonwrath,Tarecgosa Rest. The lucky person (or most DKP) will get a new build-in mount. It do look the same as Tarecgosa. Well it's on the PTR but dunno if it will show on live.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


This week was extremly nice to me. I finally gonna get my Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker (Both Bindings drop on 1 run for my paladin) after 6 years farming them. Started collecting the mats, Ingots gonna be a bitch to get. I think it's gonna be 10k gold and above to try to make this legendary weapon.

This video is the many reason Blizzard been hot-fixing that raid instance. 1 people farming trash for epics is just....EPICNESS. Fail Blizzard, just fail.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I found this guide to be really informative and it cover just every rares in the game.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It's that time again for that awesomely long META achivements that is WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP'S IT HAS BEEN which you need for free 310% mount - REINS OF THE VIOLET PROTO DRAKE. Yes it's time for MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL event.

I wont be covering the whole guide since it's mostly the same quests/tasks that you need complete from the pvevious years. If you still need to guide, I recommend you to use this >>>one<<<.

Don't forget that you need to complete a certain quests before you can que for the optional boss LORD ATHUNE which has it's loots upgraded to 353ilvl.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Do you guys remember grinding AV for the white wolf mount? I you do, then you know how long it will take you to get it. Same thing with this new mount. Instead of grinding a single battleground now you need to do the rated battleground.

You mostly will need either a group or a guild to run this Rated Battleground. You need to grind your way to 300 wins (accumulated) and earned VETERANS OF THE HORDE II achievement then you and 2 alts with be rewarded with VICIOUS WAR WOLF (Horde) or VICIOUS WAR STEED (Alliance). Either way both mount are cool.

Thursday, June 16, 2011



Official Trailer for patch 4.2

Across the breadth of Azeroth, the Horde and the Alliance have dealt crushing blows to Deathwing's elemental minions and fanatic Twilight's Hammer cultists. Through it all, the Earthen Ring has never wavered from its tireless charge, holding Azeroth itself together amid the tidal fury and errant magical energies that churn at the Maelstrom. Yet as the elements continue their chaotic upheaval, it seems that the noble shamanic order might finally be on the verge of breaking beneath the great weight that rests on its shoulders. Even Thrall, for all of his wisdom and skill, has grown aggravated by his failure to effectively communicate with Azeroth's elements. Recently, his calls were acknowledged, but the malevolent entity that responded has only intensified Thrall's fears and doubts....


I will definitely try this if I ever pick up wow again. Thanks to NERF FAIDS. You could also check her youtube channels.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Do you like to farm or buy materials from AH? If you choose the second options, be ready to lose gold (most of the time anyway). If you like me, Farming can be fun and profitable (if you know what/where/when to farm).

Anyway today I'm gonna be focusing on cloths. If you have Tailoring as a profession, you'll be maximasing you profits. There alot of place to farm but I like to do dungeons. This is because there will be competitions, you can take you're time and it's more fun then killing mobs outside. Depending on what type of cloths that you want, here are some of the places with high drop rate of cloths.

Most of these mobs are humanoid class so usually they will drop multiple type of loots which are best to be DE or sold in AH for maximum profits.

Just make sure you have maximum bag space to be filled up. :) Happy farming.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Have you heard about this game? I first heard about it long time ago around 2008, not much information was release then. Bioware has beeen busy since then.Much of the game has been improved such as the amazing graphics, gameplay and it's awesome Roleplay.

I know you can see many videos released over the years, but this videos just show you what you be getting into. The graphics seems very polished and the fighting scenes are just awesome.

One of the class that will be able to choose are SITH INQUISITOR. Its's like playing a melee class + magic caster class. Dunno how it will go, but from the video it look like it gonna be fun. Even the vanishing skill look devilish.

Anyway there are no official date for the release of this game...but many fanboys have suggested that it will be release in 2011. Well I for one can't wait for this game.

Monday, June 13, 2011


So this is what T12 looks like a druid class. Mind you this is the heroic version color. It's not that bad , but I wish Blizzard could have done better. I mean the wood-tree theme is sooo T5 and I guess they wanted to see "burning trees" in Fireland, get it? Anyway I like this version's color more then the other 2 versions. Ohh btw theres a purple glow on the shoulders and glove I think.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Weapon stats on 4.2PTR (release)

Finally people at MMO-CHAMPION have release a video of the awesomeness that all druid is drooling about 4.2. Yes the new 378ilvl weapon that all druid will want FANDRAL'S FLAMESCYTHE, the weapon will automatically change you to a fire cat while in combat.


The staff is a drop from Majordomo Staghelm in the new Fireland raid. So unless your guild is raiding, there is no way for you to get it. Unless you be able to pay gazzlion gold for it, which I doubt it.

The staff

As you can see, it's really just a horde version kitty with the firey cosmetic effects. But who cares right. Screw lagendary when we can be firey cats. Now the questions is will hunter get this before a feral? Honestly if it does happen I really like to kill that hunter.

Taken from MMO-Champion

There is also an updated lootlist at the same site if you're interested.>>>CLICK<<<

Monday, June 6, 2011


Head over to pur favourite website, MMO-CHAMPION for more info.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


While waiting for my rendering......found this...LOL FUNNY.


Memento Mori and Method teams up against the new boss of Baradin Hold, Occu'thar.
There is also abit news about possible of a 64bit WOW. Well dunno if it's coming soon or ready to deploy in the next patch.

Best looking T12 imo. Enjoy!

Friday, June 3, 2011

8 New hunter pets

Found this video by accident. Meh most of them are using used skins. Kinda dissapointed but hey it's gonna be a challenge now when trying to tame them.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


So the end boss is finally vanquished on the PTR realm. SYNCED managed that and they are kind enough to release a video showing it.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Same old repeating shit!!!

Well Blizzard really likes you to grind things, aren't they. With the new patch 4.2, there is gonna be more grinding to be done. Once you have done all the long quests chains in Molten Front, you will be able to interact with 3 NPC which will have a set of new items that you can buy (with gold).

But in order to be able to buy you need to "unlocked" them by obtaining "Marks of the Tree World" token. You'll be needing about 125 token for each NPC (Remember those boring Argent Tournament dailies).

For more infos try this post from ChaosStorm at MMO-Champion or >>>CLICK<<<<

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Soonner or later....there are gonna be some guild that will down him in PTR. Anyway here's a first look at Ragnaros the Firelord.

Friday, May 27, 2011


This is one of the proper video guide I've seen around.

Monday, May 23, 2011


So a few videos is appearing from the new raid in 4.2. Big Thank You to Reckoning and Blood Legion.






Saturday, May 21, 2011


MMO-Champion just release 2 new videos. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Behold Fire Raven Lord!

A tantalizing collection of unique rewards await those who brave the heat, and defeat the lords of the Firelands. With a new raid tier of armor and weapons, three new mounts (including the rare and highly sought flaming Anzu), a slew of new personal and guild achievements, an epic storyline, a grand musical score, and seven unique boss encounters, 4.2 and the Firelands raid will burn an indelible mark in World of Warcraft history. READ MORE

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lagendary Questline video

METHOD has been kind enough to release this video. Beware for spoilers and this is still unfinished.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

LOL Hax roller

So after 3rd run of Zul'Gurub, Bloodlord Mandokir is being generous and drop his mount Armored Razzashi Raptor. I won :) naturally beat the nearest roll by 1.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Ok after 1st week of patch, I refuse to tank this 2 dungeons. Dunno if I'm just unlucky but with the new CoA features I keep getting bad groups in general. I rather play my DPS alt then tank. What do you think?

Friday, April 29, 2011

New Mount?

Following the Cataclysm, Ragnaros's elemental minions assaulted Mount Hyjal in a bid to set the ancient World Tree of Nordrassil ablaze. Although the Guardians of Hyjal and their allies heroically repelled this invasion, their work on the sacred mount is far from over. In the newly healed Regrowth, Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage and his comrades have transformed the Sanctuary of Malorne into a staging ground for an assault on Ragnaros's domain: the Firelands. Thus far, their efforts have been frustrated by a resurgence in elemental activity that has engulfed the Regrowth and divided Malfurion's forces.

Is this a new mount for us? More infoz soon. Read here!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fireland Raid Expose

These are the 6 bosses you be facing in the Fireland raid in 4.2. Read More!


Her fiery webs reach far overhead, daring her adversaries to simultaneously face their fears of both spiders and heights. Only by taking hold of her webs and climbing into her domain yourself will you find a way to thwart her evil designs.

Lord Rhyolith

Heroes face a difficult challenge: attack this massive magma giant's bulk while forcing him to move against his will among volcanic eruptions that ultimately spell his doom... or yours.


Are you ready to fly the fiery skies? Catch her singed feathers and use them to soar above the inferno, or perish at the whim of this swift firehawk.


The ferocious flamewakers of this Elemental Plane are terrifying enough, but Shannox has brought companions to his side in defense of the Firelands. This mighty hunter will require that you find a way to deal with his blazing pets before he burns you to a crisp.


Baleroc stands before the gate to Sulfuron Keep, amidst a river of combustion that serves as the Sulfuron moat. The bridge to Ragnaros’s blistering chamber can only be crossed by those who find a way to put an end to this towering elemental monstrosity.

Majordomo Staghelm

Ragnaros's latest chief lieutenant stands before the door to his master's chamber in Sulfuron Keep. Majordomo Staghelm's treasonous efforts will all come to a head before the very seat of his new master.

A Legendary Engagement

So with the new patch comes tons of new infos that has been discovered. Read here!

Who is this?

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa' Rest

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Patch 4.2

There has been 2 video appearing that shows us what to expect from patch 4.2. Ragnaros look awesome this time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Patch 4.1

So the new patch is here, what's the first thing u done? As for me I still havent download the 100MB++ patch files. One thing for sure I need to update my mods. Ohh well see you when I see you :).

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Rise of Zandalari

Well it seem that the patch will be deployed this week (I Hoped). There many site that offers 4.1 guides and the best is at mm0-champion. Do check them out. But first enjoy this video.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nerf Inc!

Videos like this are awesome to watch but beware of the nerf bats.

Vs Kil'jaden

Vs Illidan Part 1

Vs Illidan Part 2

Thursday, April 7, 2011


In patch 4.1 we'll be introducing Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms, a new system intended to lower queue times. Call to Arms will automatically detect which class role is currently the least represented in the queue, and offer them additional rewards for entering the Dungeon Finder queue and completing a random level-85 Heroic dungeon.

Any time the Dungeon Finder queue is longer than a few minutes for level-85 Heroics, the Call to Arms system kicks in and determines which role is the least represented. In the case of tanking being the least represented role, the "Call to Arms: Tanks" icon will display in the Dungeon Finder UI menu where class roles are selected, and will also display on the UI when the queue pops and you are selected to enter a dungeon. Regardless of your role, you'll always be able to see which role currently has been Called to Arms, if any.

Call to Arms is meant to lower wait times by offering additional rewards for queuing as the currently least represented role. To be eligible for the additional rewards you must solo queue for a random level-85 Heroic in the role that is currently being Called to Arms, and complete the dungeon by killing the final boss. Every time you hit these requirements (there is no daily limit) you'll receive a goodie bag that will contain some gold, a chance at a rare gem, a chance at a flask/elixir (determined by spec), a good chance of receiving a non-combat pet (including cross faction pets), and a very rare chance at receiving a mount. The pets offered come from a wide variety of sources, and include companions like the Razzashi Hatchling, Cockatiel, and Tiny Sporebat, but the mounts are those specifically only available through dungeons (not raids), like the Reins of the Raven Lord from Sethekk Halls, Swift White Hawkstrider from Magister's Terrace, and Deathcharger's Reins (the item is missing in wowhead) from Stratholme.


Come on Blizzard...This is not the way.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Easy Money

These are some of the recipes that are sold in unlimited/limited quantities that you can make huge profit selling them.

Hellfire Peninsular

Spinebreaker Ridge:
Mixie Farshot
[Schematic: Cogspinner Goggles] - Buy 5g 40s -
[Schematic: Ultra-Spectropic Detection Goggles] - Buy 8g 52s -

Floyd Pink (Innkeeper)
[Draenic Leather Pack] - Buy 12g -
[Enchanter's Satchel] - Buy 15g -
[Gem Pouch] - Buy 12g -
[Heavy Toolbox] - Buy 14g -
[Mining Sack] - Buy 10g -

Cookie One-Eye
[Recipe: Ravager Dog] - Buy 1g 90s
Apothecary Antonivich
[Recipe: Elixir of Camouflage] - Buy 2g 85s

Kul Inkspiller -
[Glyph of Mana Shield]- Buy 3g

[Plans: Eternium Rod] - Buy 12g
[Plans: Lesser Ward of Shielding]- Buy 6g

Swamprat Post
[Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Boots] - Buy 6g -
[Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Pants] - Buy 6g -
[Recipe: Feltail Delight] - Buy 2g
[Draenic Leather Pack] - Buy 12g -

Juno Dufrain (Fishing Trainer)
[Recipe: Blackened Sporefish] - Buy 2g - Sell 28g 17s

Terokkar Forest
Stonebreaker Hold
[Formula: Runed Adamantite Rod] - Buy 10 gold
[Recipe: Golden Fish Sticks] - Buy 3g
[Recipe: Spicy Crawdad] - Buy 3g

Shadowmoon Valley
Krek Cragcrush
[Plans: Adamantite Breastplate]- Buy 5g 10s
[Plans: Adamantite Plate Bracers] - Buy 5g 10s
[Plans: Adamantite Plate Gloves] - Buy 5g 10s

Bladesedge Mountain
Daga Ramba
[Recipe: Elixir of Major Defense] - Buy 4g 50s
[Recipe: Elixir of Major Frost Power] - Buy 3g 60s
[Recipe: Super Mana Potion] - Buy 4g 50s

Nula the Butcher
[Recipe: Grilled Mudfish] - Buy 3g
[Recipe: Poached Bluefish] - Buy 3g
[Recipe: Roasted Clefthoof] - Buy 3g
[Recipe: Talbuk Steak] - Buy 3g

Mathar G'Ochar
[Pattern: Bolt of Soulcloth] - Buy 3g 40s - Sell 26g 88s
[Pattern: Soulcloth Gloves] - Buy 7g 20s - Sell 56g 62s
[Pattern: Imbued Netherweave Bag] - Buy 3g 60s

Taken from http://consortium.stormspire.net by skettii and original post by shinshroud

Winged Guardian

One bad-ass looking mount. Now allience can stop whining about Horde scorpion mount.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Guild Wars 2

Been waiting for this game... and from what I'm seeing here it's worth the waiting. Anyway enjoy the video.

Tailswipe's Favourite