Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vial of the Sands

An alchemy recipe available through Discoveries, the Vial of the Sands isn't a regular mount and will let you transform into a Sandstone Drake which you can carry an ally on your back! This is freaking awesome if you are an alchemist. Thank You MMO-Champion.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Kron'Kar Annihilator is the Horde Guild Mount which can be bought when your guild reached Guild Level 25. Well Horde getting a scorpion mount for guild achievement is freaking awesome. Alliance get lion as their guild mount. What could be better then ride this baby in BG. Just awesome.

Cataclysm Beta - Build 12984

Codename Puppy, build 12984 is the latest beta update released for Cataclysm. You can expect alot of new stuff. Be sure to check HERE.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Battle for Gilneas Battleground - Preview

The Battle for Gilneas is a new 10 vs. 10 Battleground for level-85 players. Teams must control strategic capture points on the map to accumulate resources. The first team to gather 2000 resources wins.

Teams will start at opposite ends of the map with default graveyards nearby. Once the match begins, teams will race toward each other to vie for control of three strategic points; each point will allow your team to gain resources and additional graveyards. Adding to the intensity of the battle are many obstacles that block line of sight, as well as chokepoints for fending off enemy advances.

In The Battle for Gilneas, three distinct resource points are available for the taking by either the Horde or the Alliance: the Mines, the Lighthouse, and the Waterworks. Once any of these points is held by a team, access to nearby graveyards will be granted. In addition, workers from the controlling faction will show up to collect the resources necessary to win the battle.

In the center of the map is an area known as the Overlook. Hills on either side of the map create chokepoints, while narrow paths through the hills provide teams with alternate routes. A river dividing the map will also lead opponents toward a single bridge. In some cases, dominating the Overlook might be the key to controlling the capture points.

Chaos will be unleashed upon Azeroth when Deathwing returns, but many steadfast leaders will see the Cataclysm as an opportunity to further the cause of their people... or simply attain more power. The situation in Gilneas is no different. Will the embattled Gilneans be able to defend their land after realigning with the Alliance? Or will the Forsaken, reinforced by Garrosh's Horde, seize this near-forgotten territory as a new stronghold in the Eastern Kingdoms?

Cataclysm Coming?

So is Cataclysm coming? Yes and No I guess. Blizzard just released the 1st part of patch (1.58GB) file. If you are smart better start downloading that file.

Zalazane Must Fall! and Operation: Gnomeregan Imminent! is LIVE

The first 2 pre-Cataclysm event is LIVE. Both is different storyline and depends on which faction you playing. There is A Feat of Strength (Zalazane's Fall) achievement for anyone who interested. Once you finish all the quests you will be rewarded with a cool cloak (not) and 1 item that changes you in a Darkspear Troll for 30m with a 4 hour CD (sigh).



Cool Darkspear Troll

Troll Paladin in Action

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cataclysm Currency and Honor

Hard to get gold? Don't worry Blizzard are here to save the day. NOT!

Originally Posted by Vaneras (Source)
Here's some information on how each of the currencies will be converted in the next content patch. Keep in mind these values may change, and they can get a bit math heavy. Just know that our intent is to appropriately value each mark and provide a conversion we feel is fair.

The following items are immediately converted to gold:

Emblem of Heroism = 5.5 gold each
Emblem of Valor = 5.5 gold each
Emblem of Conquest = 5.5 gold each
Badge of Justice = 1.833 gold each

Your New Honor Points total will be the sum of the following amounts:

Old Honor * 0.024
Old Arena Points * 0.85
Battleground Mark of Honor * 2.976
Wintergrasp Mark of Honor * 19.08
Stone Keeper Shard * 1.6
Venture Coin * 3
Spirit Shard * 1

Your Justice Points total will be equal to (Emblems of Triumph + Emblems of Frost ) * 2.75

Again, the softcap for both Honor and Justice conversions is 4000 points. This means that if a character converts to above 4,000 points, it will not be possible for them to earn more until they fall below the 4,000 cap.

A hardcap will be implemented in a following patch before Cataclysm's release. At that time, any excess points above 4,000 will be converted as follows:

Honor points above 4,000 are converted to gold at a rate of 35 silver per point of Honor.
Justice points above 4,000 are converted to gold at a rate of 2 gold per point of Justice.

Hall of Origination

I found this nice guide for at Tankspot.com for the new 5 man dungeon, Hall of Origination. Seem the dungeon is not that hard or maybe they outgeared them I dont know. It's a 7 boss dungeon and I would say that it should be a big 5 man dungeon compare to woltk's. CC should be your new friend unless you guys forget what CC is :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Muffins Presents Cataclysm

It's been a few month since I made a post in this blog. RL issues and study just took alot of my times. But now its holiday season, and here's a few videos that I'm enjoying.
Part One

Part Two

The Vortex Pinnacle - Skywall 5-Man Video

WoW : Ahn Qiraj by Jack

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Tailswipe's Favourite