Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Finally Tunn got a new tanking weapon AKA Lightborn Spire. This is one of the rewards that you can choose from the Quel'Delar's chain questline. Pretty much the BiS if you can't get into a raid. You can start by obtaining Battered Hilt either get lucky in the 3 new instances or buy it from AH if you got the money to burn.

The Battered Hilt
Bring the Battered Hilt to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds. Pretty much straightforwad. Just sit and watch.

What The Dragons Know
Speak to Krasus at the top of Wyrmrest Temple. Then off you go to meet the NPC in the Horde only inn in Dalaran.

The Silver Covenant Scheme
Obtain the Orders by killing an NPC in the Dalaran Sewers. The NPC is standing directly infront of the inn keeper in the sewer.

A Suitable Disguise
Obtain a Borrowed Tabard from Shandy Glossgleam. He is upstairs in the Threads of Fate, if you are standing in front of the stairs with the Violet Citadel to your back. It's a fairly easy mini game of simon says.

An Audience With The Arcanist
Retrieve the Ancient Dragonforged Blades tome from Arcanist Tybalin. Use the disguise and go in the Alliance section of Dalaran. He's on the second floor on the right side building.

Return To Myralion Sunblaze
Bring the Ancient Dragonforged Blades to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's Rest.

Reforging The Sword
Obtain 5 Infused Saronite Bars and the Forgemaster's Hammer and use them to make the Reforged Quel'Delar. All you need to do is zone into POS on normal or heroic mode loot the quest items and kill the first boss.

Tempering The Blade
Temper the Reforged Quel'Delar in the Crucible of Souls. Agin same as above but now its in FOS. The forge is behind the last boss which you need to kill.

The Halls Of Reflection
Bring your Tempered Quel'Delar to Sword's Rest inside the Halls of Reflection. You can leave after you completed you task.

Journey To The Sunwell
Speak with Halduron Brightwing at the entrance to the Sunwell Plateau on the Isle of Quel'Danas.He is directly infront of the sunwell portal instance.

Thalorien Dawnseeker
Visit Thalorien Dawnseeker's Remains and obtain his blessing to wield Quel'Delar. It is located at the south part of the map. Talk to ghost and fight 3 wave of mobs and a named boss.

The Purification of Quel'Delar
Immerse your Tempered Quel'Delar in the Sunwell. Speak to a Warden of the Sunwell when you are ready to enter the Sunwell Plateau. Watch how the BloodElf leader made a fool of himself.

A Victory For The Sunreavers (Sword) / A Victory For The Sunreavers (Mace)
Head back to Myralion Sunblaze at Quel'Delar's rest, south of the Argent Tournament Grounds and choose you reward.

You also will get an achievement The Sword in The Skull.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Winter Veil is Here

Winter Veil - Achievements Guide
Merrymaker is part of What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been to get the Violet Proto-Drake. I assume that most of you will try to complete it, here is a small guide to help you becoming a Merrymaker!

On Metzen!
You need to complete Metzen the Reindeer, Metzen is still in the Searing Gorge for the alliance and in Tanaris for the horde, just like all the other years. You can check the map on wowhead. The quests for this achievement start in Orgrimmar.

Scrooge / Scrooge
Another "free" achievement, just buy a [Snowball] and throw it at Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff depending on your faction. Very easy to complete.

'Tis the Season
To complete this achievement you will need a full set of Winter clothing. The last part of the achievement is the [Graccu's Mince Meat Fruitcake] is contained in [Smokywood Pastures Extra-Special Gift] and [Smokywood Pastures Sampler], they will be mailed to you after freeing Metzen (see the first achievement) or completing Treats for Greatfather Winter.

Simply Abominable
Complete the Stolen Winter Veil Treats questline. They require you to talk to the Strange Snowman in Alterac Mountains to get a quest to kill The Abominable Greench

Bros. Before Ho Ho Ho's
When you're done laughing at the name of the achievement, you can check the small guides in Wowhead comments for both faction:Alliance players have to talk to a lot more people, but Horde players have to go through Northrend (and eventually end up in Icecrown, it might be a problem for players below level 77). The hardest part of the achievement might be getting the [Mistletoe], to obtain it just type /kiss while targeting a Winter Reveler.

He Knows If You've Been Naughty
Open one of the presents underneath the Winter Veil tree once they are available. You only need to open ONE present and not all of them, it's basically another free achievement. The presents are only available from December 25th to January 2nd and you'll have to wait a few days before you can complete this one.

With a Little Helper from My Friends
Earn 50 honorable kills as a Little Helper from the Winter Wondervolt machine. The machines are outside Orgrimmar / Ironforge, just step into it to get a 30 minutes transformation buff and enter your favorite battleground to kill a few people! (Note that the transformation does NOT persist through death, you will have to finish/leave the battleground and get another transformation if you die)

Complete Bomb Them Again! after transforming your mount with [Preserved Holly] / [Fresh Holly] rewarded from various quests and Winter Revelers during the event.

Crashin' & Thrashin'
This achievement requires to use the special ability of your [Crashin' Thrashin' Racer Controller] and smash other player's racer. This item is available from the presents under the christmas tree and won't be available before December 25th.

Let It Snow
During the Feast of Winter Veil, use a Handful of Snowflakes on each of the race/class combinations listed below. This achievement could be hard because the only way to get [Handful of Snowflakes] is by kissing Winter Revelers once an hour.

The Winter Veil Gourmet
Depending on your character, this might be the hardest achievement. It requires you to cook Gingerbread Cookie Egg Nog and Hot Apple Cider. The patterns are all available from the NPC, there are only two small problems:
  • You will need [Small Egg] for two of these recipes, and will probably have to run to a low level zone to farm them along with 30 other players. (Buying them at 50G/stack at the AH is also an option)
  • Hot Apple Cider require 325 cooking skill! If you never took the time to level your cooking, you will have to go through all the leveling just to complete this achievement.
A Frosty Shake
During the Feast of Winter Veil, use your [Winter Veil Disguise Kit] to become a snowman and then dance with another snowman in Dalaran. The [Winter Veil Disguise Kit] is one of the reward mailed to you after completing Stolen Winter Veil Treats.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fall of The Lich King

This new trailer had just been added.

3.3 is Coming

So tonight patch 3.3 is going live. What should we expected? First of all the lag should be like any other patch day, which make you unplayable. Your UI gonna be broken until someone kind enough to updated it. Then AH should be filled with insane amount of highly then normal item priceses.

If you can live with that, go check out the cool new LFG mechanics, don't forget to choose "Random" and hope you get the new pet dog :). Check the new quest tracking mode also which will help you finish off the achievements just like me.

Just to remind you guys that, there will be 3 new 5 man dungeon The Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, Halls of Reflection which you need to clear one by one in order to progressed. Here's a quick video of the fights you will be facing and the loots too.

The Forge of Souls
It's portal is located on the left side of portal room portal, inside the secured area of Icecrown Citadel. No attunement is required, but completing the instance is required to gain entrance to the Pit of Saron. There only 2 bosses inside which are:

The Loots

Devourer of Souls

The Loots

Pit of Saron
This is the second wing of the dungeon complex known as the Frozen Halls. The Forge of Souls must be completed before a player can access the Pit of Saron. 3 bosses awaits.
Forgemaster Garfrost
A master of Scourge weaponry, the forgemaster hauls stocks of saronite ore and other precious materials to the cold forges where the mechanisms of death are born. With a host of rime weapons and exotic alloys at his disposal, it could get cold in here.

Ick & Krick
Zombies serve as mindless muscle in the Pit of Saron's mines, stockpiling metals for Forgemaster Garfrost, and Krick a devious leper gnome supervises the operations from atop Ick, Krick's ghastly means of transportation.

Scourgelord Tyrannus
Tyrannus is a terrible force who will no doubt demonstrate his powers to those brave enough to enter the Pit of Saron. The scourgelord must die if players hope to make their way into the third and final wing of this dungeon.

Halls of Reflection
The third and last wing of the dungeon complex known as the Frozen Halls. The Forge of Souls and Pit of Saron must be completed before a player can enter the Halls of Reflection.
Falric & Marwyn
Captains for Arthas Menethil in life, Scourge commanders for the Lich King in death, Falric and Marwyn will be summoned to the Halls of Reflection for one purpose: destroying all intruders.

Wrath of the Lich King
Sylvanas, thirsty for vengeance against the corrupted prince who sentenced her to an existence as an undead monstrosity, and Jaina, eager to find a flicker of Arthas's soul locked somewhere within the Lich King, have brought their hand-picked allies to this final confrontation. Arthas's true power may only now be discovered. Is there any hope in this mission, or does only death await?

Anyway happy WOWing peoples. Gnight

Friday, December 4, 2009

New trailer

This video was made by Kinaesthesia from Vodka (US-Alterac Mountains) showing the new 5-man instances of the Icecrown Citadel. It also showing us the storyline on whats going on. It does contain a bit spoiler, so be warned.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shaman T10 Preview

The shaman T10 is already one of the best looking gear for upcoming expansion. This will be another reason for us to be jealous of it. You will get this bonus, periodically calls forth the spirits of the Shoveltusk to bolster the bearer's spirits in battle when you equip it. Chheck the video out and see for your self.

Tailswipe's Favourite