Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Solo Farming Anzu

Swipping The Adds

I have been farming Anzu The Raven God in Heroic Setthek Hall for weeks now for Reins of the Raven Lord but only when I'm bored. There's a bug that we the druids can exploit. Ok, the thing is when you trying to farm him DO NOT KILL any other bosses in the instances. Blizzard had change the way you saved to an instance. In order to get saved, you need to kill a boss not any trash mob in BC.

Back to Anzu, I just stealth to him skipping all the trash mob and the first boss. Make sure you hug the wall inside the first boss room, or you definitely will agro him (like I did on the 1st run).

That Group Can Be Skipped

When you do get to his room, there are 5 trash pack inside the room. You need to clear all except the most right side trash. This group will not be agroed when you fight Anzu. Make sure you always kill the prophet first because they fears.

Happy farming guys. Now I just need him to drop me the mount. :)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Milionaires Club

Tunnbank Dancing In Ogrimmar

Don't laugh, that's what my bank alt guild name. After spending 50g and about 40min finding peoples to sign my charter, I finally manage to create my very own guild bank.

Bought all the bank tabs and re-naming them accordingly. There's goes my money lol. Too bad I can't see the bank content from my other alts. Sigh, maybe there's a mod for that.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Noob Warlock

Since I'm lagging like hell, all I can do is dailies or leveling my alts. I choose my lock since I need the herbs. Shes 74 now and I'm targeting for 75 or 76 by today.

**Just did UK and didn't get to finished it. All the PUG's I've been with always failed at the 2nd boss. Healer can't keep tank up or tank can't hold agro. Sigh!!

Then maybe level my priest for a few hours.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dual Spec

So I have activated Dual Spec for Tunn but I'm not really sure what to pick as the 2nd spec. Resto would be interesting but I haven't been a resto since AQ40. I have almost a complete Resto set just need to get a few more things from Naxxs.

I didn't really explore AT yet been farming the new pet Spirit Darter Egg in feralas. Took me like 100 kill for it to finally drop. Such a pretty pet.

Tikus is now SV spec and the DPS is awesome. He's 4890ap and 32% crit unbuff. I'm trying to get him full set of T7.5 and a few more items.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yogg-Saron Killed by Ensidia

Finally Yogg-Saron was killed by the no. 1 guild in the world Ensidia. They hit a brick wall for a few hours but they finally did it. Mek looted the first fragment of Val'anyr for the legendary mace. Grats to him.

The loots are:
Shawl of Haunted Memories
Tier 8 shoulders Tokens
Fragment of Val'anyr

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Uldar Easy Mode?

After 1 day of patch day, we are seeing almost all the new bosses being down. Only 2 is left standing but I guess it's just a matter of time before they are beaten. More update on this soon.....

Currently Ensidia (EU) and Exodus (US) defeated General Vezax (a few guild has also downed him since) and are trying the final boss Yogg-Saron. This is 1 of 2 boss and the other was Algalon the Observer that was not available in PTR testing and I'm pretty sure it will took more then 1 day (maybe) to get him down.

From what I've read about Yogg-Saron, this is a 2 stage/phase fight. The 1st phase is where you fight about a gazzilion mobs until the named npc (Sara) changes into Yogg-saron.

The 2nd phase is just like C'thun(AQ40), he is protected by a magic barrier only breakable by killing tentacles inside him and you will also have to deal with all the tentacles he spawns in the room.

This part of the fight heavily relies on the Sanity mechanism. Each player starts with 100% sanity and most of the abilities of Yogg-Saron will lower it, when a player reaches 0% sanity he is permanently mind-controlled by Yogg-Saron.

To make the fight easier, there a Keepers (previous defeated bosses in Uldar) that you can get help from that will give your raid buffs according to the keepers that you talk to.
In my opinion you won't be seeing PUG ULDAR anytime soon :(

Argent Tournament

So finally the Argent Tournament is here and can be found northeast of Sindragosa's Fall in Icecrown at an area called the Argent Tournament Grounds. There are so many things to do and rewards to collected.

The area actually is big and there are tons of quests to do.
Well 1 thing for sure I can't wait to get there :)

Argent Tournament

Guides and dailies to Argent Tournament.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Val'anyr - Hammer of the Ancient Kings

Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings. This is a One-Hand Mace and even if the stats aren't known yet, it should only be available in a healer version. The mace itself won't drop from any boss, players will be able to rebuild it through an Atiesh-like questline started by the Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr dropped by most of the bosses in Ulduar-25.

You will need
30 Fragments to reforge the Hammer of Ancient Kings, just like the quest item you can drop Fragment of Val'anyr from most of the bosses in the 25-man version of the instance.This is done during the fight against Yogg-Saron (the final boss of the instance) through the Val'anyr Hammer of Ancient Kings quest.

We can assume that Yogg-Saron uses
Deafening Roar during a late stage of the fight. There are two quests related to the Val'anyr, the first one is Ancient History started by the Shattered Fragments of Val'anyr, followed by Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


5 man frame

Raid Frame

So here is my current UI when playing WOW. Based from Damia UI from Nihilium guild with some adjustment to my liking. It's pretty clean and simply UI setup, as I really don't like to put too much on the screen. Even with all the mods I managed to get 30-60fps but its goes down to 20-10fps with all the aoe-ing. My setup was set to all high in the interface menu.

Ace 3
Advanced TradeSkill Window
AckisRecipe List
Button Facade
Elkano Buff Bar
Fishing Buddy

Tailswipe's Favourite