Thursday, July 31, 2008


Finally I got to kill Illidan for the 1st time. I'm now 3/8 T6, got the 2 set bonus (15% more threat). Thats pretty awesome for 2 set bonus. The fight is kinda easy, just don't be a retard and just follow your order and you'll be fine.

And ya we got another Warglaive of Azzinoth (MH) drop (grats Marijay) and Khooman emo-ed because Crystal Spire of Karabor drop (grats Viktor). Funny shit.

Anyway I'm now officially WDK slave for the rest of my WOW career. That's it guys laugh at the stupid pork jokes more. Retards

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

WotLK Beta - Build 8681 Update

Hell yea!!! It's about time druid get a new skin. "Glyph of the White Bear - Changes the appearance of your bear and dire bear forms to that of a polar bear."

Some of the glyph are just insane. Give me WotLK already.

Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade

Death Knights are getting a flying mount ! Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade (Summons and dismisses a rideable skeletal gryphon mount. This mount can only be summoned in Outland and by those that have learned Cold-Weather Flying in Northrend.) It's pretty much a let down since their ground mount is totally bad-ass.

With a price tag of 950g and there's a tag under it "Speed scales to riding skill". What does it mean I wonder. Maybe if you already learned 300 riding skill, it'll show as 280% speed.

*Taken from MM0-Champion.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Ilhann Birthday Party

On the 28th, my son Ilhann celebrate his 1st birthday. We throw him a party with friends and family coming. He was very moody in the morning (maybe he knows that it's his birthday) , we manage to get him to sleep for a while.

The party started at 4pm with everybody here. Haha he look afraid seeing many people. After a few minutes warming up, he finally enjoying his party.

Making new friends and thrashing our phone at the same time. Anyway it was fun seeing him playing with everybody. It seems like it's only yesterday that he was born and now he is a year older.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Flying Mount Unlocked

Northrend Flying Mount Questline
A lot of players are wondering how hard it will be to unlock your flying mount on Northrend and the answer is .... not so hard. After reaching level 77, it shouldn't take more than 20 minutes to the average player and it's fairly easy to do.

  • Level up to 77.
  • Speak to Weslex Quickwrench in Nesingwary Base Camp and do his questline if you didn't do it yet, at this point you probably already completed it while leveling.

  • Once the Spirit of Gnomeregan is repaired, speak to Professor Calvert and accept the quest.
  • Go to Lakeslide Landing near River Heart and talk to Pilot Vic here.

  • The first quest he gives is a short quest to find his keys in the lake next to him.
  • The 2nd quest will let you go in a reconnaissance flight with Pilot Vic. After defending your airplane against undead attackers you will eventually have to control it after one of the shot hits Pilot Vic. Go back to the Lakeslide Landing and ...

  • Enjoy.

*Taken from MM0-Champion.


It seem I still can't commit to raiding. There's alot of work and travel to be done. And my son is giving me headache ( <3 him) all the time. It's frustrated seeing my guild posting LF x1 Feral Druid in our forum. Well I can't blame them the guild need to progress.

I need to sort things out ASAP. Still need a few things before WotLK comes. :(

Thursday, July 24, 2008

WotLK News Update

Yay more bag spaces for us. Altho it's a bit late because some of us already destroyed some of this item way back when TBC came out to free up some valuable bag space. Anyway it's still a good move on Blizzard behalf.

This is taken from (source).

"We’re pleased to announce a convenient upgrade to the way that mounts and vanity pets are handled in Wrath of the Lich King.

Players will be able to “learn” a mount or non-combat pet much like learning a spell, recipe, or new ability, and these creatures will then show up on a new Pet tab within the Character Info section of the interface. Players will be able to access and preview their learned mounts and vanity pets through this tab.

Once learned, the pet icon or mount icon will no longer appear in bag spaces or bank spaces. This inventory space will be made available once again for other adventuring needs. Pets can still be set to hotkeys by dragging them to the hotkey bar, much like any other spell or ability".

n WotLK, Enchanters will put their enchantments on special scrolls crafted by the Inscriptionists (new profession), so anyone will be able to buy these scrolls from Enchanters or Auction House to enchant their gear themselves.

Well this is a good change instead of eeing people spamming "Enchanter LFW or LF 35agi to 2H will tip" a gazzilion time in trade channel". I'm pretty sure you need to already learned the enchants (stupid KARAZHAN recipe) first or maybe Blizzard gonna make all the recipe learnable like the old recipe from Vanilla WOW.

Nothing much just a few new recipes.

There 8 new items including 7 rare recipes for blacksmithing.

The new epic gems also are pretty sick themself. These babies gonna be very expensive when they do become availabel soon. Heres are some of them.

WotLK Epic Gems

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cheokster Best Mage Ever

Ok today i run Heroic Magister's Terrace for the 1st time since i got back. It was a good run until the server got fucked up. So the group got disband.

A few hours later with a new group, we finished the stupid run. No trinket (wat's new) and then Cheokster our resident mage phail vey bad (love :P) at kiting Kael's pheonix. After 3 dumb wipes he finally down.

Finally exalted with the fraction. Time to get my goodies :). Anyway it was fun. Maybe it will drop soon for me.

I did run it again later that evening, still no Commendation of Kael'thas but instead i got Shard of Contempt

Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm Back....Sort of Lol

Lol after so long, I'm back playing WOW.....well sort of. Currently I still have to do alot of travelling around and I guess it won't be that long for me to be start raiding again.

The guild is doing really good with progression, currently we only doin' Sunwell once a week which is not very good. Well i guess it's must because WotLK is knocking on the door. Dejavu lol.

Anyway I only managed to get into 1 BT raid and was abit rusty I guess. With no vent (no mic) and wife downloading some tv series on her laptop, my latency shoot up to 1k++. So in the end I stop after 2 bosses. The raid was fun and hearing people joking instead of shouting is always good. Most of them are 5/8 T6 already so that must help abit.

I need to geared up my druid and with both T6 dungeon on farm status and Gajahriang already decked out it should be fast for me ( I hope). There's a new resto druid replacing our beloved old resto Chocoholics. From what i heard he is doin' well and i first knew him from a PUG instance but he was feral back then if i'm not mistaken.

Well I'll just have to see how it's goes, it was fun hearing old friends talking, joking around in vent. Now i just need to get Loafer to give me some gold.

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