Lol after so long, I'm back playing WOW.....well sort of. Currently I still have to do alot of travelling around and I guess it won't be that long for me to be start raiding again.
The guild is doing really good with progression, currently we only doin' Sunwell once a week which is not very good. Well i guess it's must because WotLK is knocking on the door. Dejavu lol.
Anyway I only managed to get into 1 BT raid and was abit rusty I guess. With no vent (no mic) and wife downloading some tv series on her laptop, my latency shoot up to 1k++. So in the end I stop after 2 bosses. The raid was fun and hearing people joking instead of shouting is always good. Most of them are 5/8 T6 already so that must help abit.
I need to geared up my druid and with both T6 dungeon on farm status and Gajahriang already decked out it should be fast for me ( I hope). There's a new resto druid replacing our beloved old resto Chocoholics. From what i heard he is doin' well and i first knew him from a PUG instance but he was feral back then if i'm not mistaken.
Well I'll just have to see how it's goes, it was fun hearing old friends talking, joking around in vent. Now i just need to get Loafer to give me some gold.